Friday, November 8, 2013

Slumber Party

I'm certain many parents (especially the moms) will cringe at all that I confess if you are one of those super safety, Type A, follow the books word by word....then you may want to click off of here now. (I don't want messages reading me passages from Baby books, telling me how I'm doing it all wrong).  

One of the #1 rules in most parenting books will tell you to not bring your baby into bed with you. Guess what?  We do.  Not every night and we truly aren't trying to make a super dependent child, but we like it.  She can cuddle with us and feel safe and usually falls to sleep pretty fast.  Want to know another reason we sometimes invite our daughter into our bed?  Because it's super convenient for her father and I.  She cries;  we can lean over, find the miracle worker (also know as a pacifier) and put it right back in her mouth.  I wouldn't label myself as a lazy person, but while Harlow is teething and up at all hours of the night and way early morning...I thoroughly enjoy this quick fix.   We won't continue to have her in bed with us. I mean, we aren't going to be those creeps that have a 15 year old still snuggling up with us...but sometimes I say screw those baby books. Most are one sided and in all fairness, kids (and parents) are ALL different.  The way I do things may not please you and trust me, the way you dress your child doesn't please me.  ( I kid, sort of).  I don't have to read an author's perspective on things to know what is right or best for my family. It's all a bit of trial and error.  Hopefully not too many errors (please don't read my post titles "suck it June cleaver."  
My daughter's safety and well being are always our top priority but I think society is over paranoid and tends to reach for others' rules and guidiance on how to parent.  I don't need a book to tell me how to nurture, love, or discipline my child. Isn't it our job as parents to decide what's the right action for our offspring?  How does author Judy know what's best for Harlow?  She's never even met her. 
Please don't think I'm being rude or judge mental. I've seen parents who I'm certain or doing a better job than I in some areas. But it's my house, my child and our life to figure it out.  Now go raise your baby the way you feel is best and let me get off this computer but I roll over onto my baby.  I'm teasing. 

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