Sunday, December 29, 2013


Hoping everyone had a fantastic Holiday and I'm wishing you all a memorable new  year!  Here are a few highlights from Harlow's first Christmas:

1.  As an early Christmas present, Harlow   got her very first ear infection. Which was sad on its own, but given the fact that she caught it right at the tail end of a flu cold...she was pissed. So was I. And anyone we encountered during this awful time. 

2. We conquered the whole Santa Claus thing....twice.  She loved him and smiled big for all the photos. Nailed it!!

3.  In order to show her Noni that she loves her, Harlow graced my mother in law's bath tub with one of her famous tub poops.

4.  Harlow is on the move and crawling all over. Not sure if this is a great thingfor  me, as I loved the simplicity of a non mobile baby. But hey, at least she's hitting her milestones!

5. Harlow also learned how to wave so we spent the entire break greeting every person, place and thing.  She broke a new record by waving at the same man for an entire catholic mass.  To that sweet soul, thank you for playing along...for the entire hour.  Hope your wrist heals. 

6.  If Santa was waiting for Harlow to fall asleep before he came down the chimney, then he is probably frost bitten. She decided to party all night long with us on Christmas Eve.

7.  My daughter was beyond spoiled with dolls, toys, musical instruments, clothes, books and pushing charts. So I can completely understand that while sitting in the middle of all these amazing things...she would only be interested in a cardboard box.

8.  When we returned home, to thank me for all her Christmas love and gifts...Harlow gave me a hug, a kiss, a wave, the word mama and one of her famous tub poops.

9.  I'm fulfilled and trying to find places to stash all the crap she got. 

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Why'd you have to go and take me at my word...

I decided to start this blog as an outlet for my struggles, my journey, my sorrows and the pure magic that is being a mother to Harlow.   I didn't expect anyone to care or bother to read any of my posts and I have truly being moved by all the sweet comments I have received.  
I should know how important words can be; as I just wrote an entire post about how they can affect someone. I'm well aware how words can touch you; like lyrics to a song. I know firsthand how words can pierce your soul and cut through.  And I also know how strengthening, powerful and healing words can be. Like I stated before, I didn't think many would read this blog, but I'm so so glad you have and can relate on many levels. I was not the first or only one to face these issues and unfortunately there will be many many more after me. I was so fortunate to have a female friend who had been through a similar journey and although our situations weren't mirrored reflections of one another; we both had the same yearning to become mothers some day. 

I have been thanked by some for being so honest and courageous to tell so many personal stories and experiences. I have been floored to learn how many others share my story or one similar.  I hope that you know that there is a happy ending and you have to believe that. 
I hope I haven't offended anyone or hurt anyone's feelings. That is never my intention.  For everyone who has reached out to me  about something they have read in my blog...I have today thank you. It makes my struggles so much easier and my delight in the present so much purer. 

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Do Yourself A Solid And Don't Ask

Here's a little fairy tale for you....
A guy meets a girl. They fall in love. He proposes to her. They get married. They have kids.  They live happily ever after; no questions asked. I hate to be the barer of bad news but that's never gonna happen. Here is a real life scenario:

You're single. 
People will constantly ask you when you're going to meet someone.  (Like you freaking know or something. Perhaps you enjoy being single or wish you could find someone).

You meet someone. 
People will constantly ask when you're going to get engaged  (even if you've only been dating that person for a few months).

You get engaged.
People may say "Congratulations" yet their very next question will be when is the wedding?

You get married. 
People will ask when you're having a baby.  (Even though the ink is still wet on all those checks you wrote for your big day).

You have a baby.
People will ask when you are having another baby.  (Although you may not hear that one because 
a) you are so sleep deprived, you barely catch a word anyone says these days 
b) you have sweet potato in your ear from your baby's lunch session
c) you went to laugh and realized you peed yourself...again).

Oh and ps, it doesn't necessarily have to happen in that particular order but just a warning...if you decide to have a baby before you get married....the wedding questions will come at you 20 times more often in every which way. 

I know people are just curious, concerned or interested in our lives, but my perspective has greatly changed on asking questions. Especially regarding the baby situation. 

If you've read some of my blogs you know that my husband and I did IVF to conceive my daughter, Harlow. It's not a club I ever imagined or wanted to be a part of; but I'm so lucky that it was an option for us, that we were financially able to go through the process and of course that the first round worked!  I've never been ashamed or hidden the fact that We got pregnant using in vitro fertilization; as so many couples have to. It's like when people get plastic surgery and won't own up to it.  You could do it. You did it. Now accept it and admit it. 

I wasn't always so open or honest about my fertility issues. Like many, I went through multiple stages of emotions and vulnerability.  Denial, anger, depression, jealousy, hopelessness and the list could go on and on. I chose not to share my struggles with many people as I wanted to stay positive and for a few moments, not stress over it. I withdrew myself a little from my friends and social life as it got harder and harder to be around people and act lively, see them pregnant, etc.    Due to this, lots of people didn't know my husband and I were even trying to have a baby. This can be a blessing or a curse. 
I can so vividly remember when my family and I were sitting around on a Thanksgiving visit and my sister in law announced that she was expecting. We had been trying with medicine and testing for over two years and although it was the wrong reaction...I wanted to die. That's when a somewhat intoxicated person looked at me and said, "Well, you better hurry up and get on it Julie."  I lost it and began uncontrollably bawling right there at the table. That statement killed me completely. She had no idea we were struggling but it didn't make it hurt any less.  And so many times before and after that day, people constantly asked and probed us as to when we would start having kids. 

I'm not making this a pity story about me. Just a nice PSA to everyone out there that asks. I know you just care and are eager for your friend or relative to start a family, but maybe they don't know if they ever want kids. Maybe they can't agree on the children decision. Maybe they aren't financially capable of having a baby right now. Maybe they have conceived and have lost one or more babies. Maybe  they have been on a long waiting list to adopt. Or maybe, just maybe all they want is to get pregnant but are either struggling or are unable to.  Please be gentle with your questions as every time you ask someone a question regarding their love life, marriage, or future are simply reminding them of what they don't have. 
I usually try to add humor to my posts but this one is near and dear to me. 

Friday, November 15, 2013

It's Official...

I've become my mother.  In the best sense of the word, but it is shocking how many things change once that precious little bundle of joy enters your world. 
1.  It is impossible to spontaneously do ANYTHING anymore. Remember how you used to be like, "oh we are out of milk" and would just grab your keys and run to the store?  Not happening anymore. First of all, you will only go to the store when you are in dire need of something (diapers, baby Tylenol, vodka...I sort of kid on that last one).   Or when you have a list that is so damn long it's obvious how long it's been since you last went to the store. You are even out of condiments. When that time comes when there is literally nothing left to eat in your'll go to the supermarket. It will take you about 15-45 minutes to pack up everything you may need "just in case" the baby has a meltdown, gets hungry, or decides now is the optimal time to have an explosive diaper.  Once that's all ready, you will get to play the game of  "I know you hate going in the car seat but please, please just this once let me buckle you in without arching your back etc.".  Once that battle is won, you pack up the car and head to Kroger. Half of the time you will forget that huge list and won't even consider going back for it.  So then you get the privilege of playing the guessing game of what you truly need to buy.  This entails going down every aisle, while pulling random colorful objects off the shelves to entertain the baby. Hopefully your baby is big enough to sit in the baby seat of the shopping cart because if you have to bring in that whole car can physically only fit like five things in that cart. You end up leaving out essential items or slowly piling stuff up around your baby until you're sure the lady in aisle 5 is calling child protective services on you. Once you finally check out, the teenage bagger will load all your groceries into a completely separate cart, which makes putting an infant car seat into it impossible.  Then you and said teenager will struggle to load all those damn bags into the cart without smothering your child.  When you arrive home, 1-4 hours later...once you debate which gets unloaded first...the milk, ice cream or the will then and only then realize all the items you forgot to get.  But there is no way in hell you're attempting that whole thing again. So you'll eat dry cereal for a week until you muster up the courage to face the store again or the always safer, faster and far less painful option...let daddy watch the baby while you take a mini vacation at Kroger. 

Friday, November 8, 2013

Slumber Party

I'm certain many parents (especially the moms) will cringe at all that I confess if you are one of those super safety, Type A, follow the books word by word....then you may want to click off of here now. (I don't want messages reading me passages from Baby books, telling me how I'm doing it all wrong).  

One of the #1 rules in most parenting books will tell you to not bring your baby into bed with you. Guess what?  We do.  Not every night and we truly aren't trying to make a super dependent child, but we like it.  She can cuddle with us and feel safe and usually falls to sleep pretty fast.  Want to know another reason we sometimes invite our daughter into our bed?  Because it's super convenient for her father and I.  She cries;  we can lean over, find the miracle worker (also know as a pacifier) and put it right back in her mouth.  I wouldn't label myself as a lazy person, but while Harlow is teething and up at all hours of the night and way early morning...I thoroughly enjoy this quick fix.   We won't continue to have her in bed with us. I mean, we aren't going to be those creeps that have a 15 year old still snuggling up with us...but sometimes I say screw those baby books. Most are one sided and in all fairness, kids (and parents) are ALL different.  The way I do things may not please you and trust me, the way you dress your child doesn't please me.  ( I kid, sort of).  I don't have to read an author's perspective on things to know what is right or best for my family. It's all a bit of trial and error.  Hopefully not too many errors (please don't read my post titles "suck it June cleaver."  
My daughter's safety and well being are always our top priority but I think society is over paranoid and tends to reach for others' rules and guidiance on how to parent.  I don't need a book to tell me how to nurture, love, or discipline my child. Isn't it our job as parents to decide what's the right action for our offspring?  How does author Judy know what's best for Harlow?  She's never even met her. 
Please don't think I'm being rude or judge mental. I've seen parents who I'm certain or doing a better job than I in some areas. But it's my house, my child and our life to figure it out.  Now go raise your baby the way you feel is best and let me get off this computer but I roll over onto my baby.  I'm teasing. 

Friday, October 11, 2013

For better or worse. In sickness and in health (unless the baby needs me)

This one is to all the baby daddies out there. Husbands, boyfriends, donors, I had one too many and can't remember his name and oops I'm pregnant.... All those guys. Hear me out, I know that some of you may have been put on the back burner while your lady was pregnant but I'm here to tell gets worse. Ha. I wish I was kidding. 
You had all that time with just your woman. Date nights, cooked meals, spontaneous afternoon delights and overall, our full and undivided attention. And then that precious baby came along. 
I've read enough pregnancy and baby books to know the man getting the backseat is quite normal and although it seems (and really is) the short end of the stick...bare with us.  Lots of things change once the baby arrives. Numero UNO. Our bodies are way jacked up. I don't even have to use the phrase imagine squeezing something the size of a watermelon out something the size if lemon. But for real. Imagine that.  Yep, so I'm not a warrior and chose the ever amazing epidural option and so perhaps I didn't technically feel that whole watermelon and lemon analogy but ya know what I did feel?! EVERYTHING once that epidural wore off. I now had this flapjack stomach, a very sore ass and other lower regions and a precious newborn who wanted to eat off of me. 
I won't even get into the nipple tenderness or the fact that I never knew something on my boobs could be so the beginning. It did get better and I loved nursing Harlow. 
Then we go in for that 6 week post check up and hopefully get the ok to start having sex again. Only while your woman is terrified, you (or maybe just my husband) are whistling throughout the house while lighting candles and pushing play on the Sade cd.  Come on, you know she makes good rompin' music. 
After your lady decides to stop breastfeeding there is that ever awkward stage of when will it ever not be completely creepy for her to think her boobs; your baby's food source for however long, are now somehow your play toys again. Please understand how weird it is to make that transition. And life happens and babies need tons of attention...but so do you guys.   I am not some sexual beast who think about sex 24/7 (that's the man's job) but I can't help but feel sad at how neglected these fellas get. Ladies: I'm as guilty as you are. When I finally get a chance to sit down and relax, I obviously need to check my Facebook page, my Instagram page, etc. you get my point. I'm super busy. Ha. But I noticed that beating level 2,347 in candy crush had taken the place of My man and I talking and cuddling and being together.  It's so easy to fall into this cycle. It happens to us all. But I think Heidi Klum and Seal had it right by saying  they came first in each others' lives and then the kiddos. They knew that loving each other was the best way to raise babies. Now please don't take the fact that Heidi and Seal split change your mind.  Ha ha.  Go hug your man. Kiss on him and for goodness sake...give it up every once in a while. 😜

Saturday, September 28, 2013


Thank Goodness for Invitro-Fertilization

The other day I was in an elevator with a brand new mother and her week old baby boy.  I believe they were on their way to the official  1st week check up at the pediatrician.  I gazed into her stroller, at that precious new life and said, " isn't it just the greatest thing ever?!"  I was a bit shocked when her very quick and snappy response was, "no, you know what was great? Sleeping."   

Maybe my husband and I lived in la la land during Harlow's first week of life, but I strongly remember my reaction being way different than this poor gal. Perhaps it is because we waited so long to have my daughter. Or maybe it was because she was somewhat scientifically made with the amazing process of IVF.  It could be because we ran on happy fumes for months at the realization that we had a baby and she was healthy and real and ours.  Whatever the reason was...I must say on this Friday morning, TGI(V)F.  

I can clearly remember the years of my husband and I struggling to conceive our precious baby. It's strange how you spend a large portion of your life praying for your period to come and then spend the next section praying it doesn't.  That little pregnancy stick holds all the meaning and plans for your future and after a very long 3's all over. Add to my previous list:  perhaps we were over the moon those first few weeks because for too long the tests told us no and then ONE day it said something different. 

Regardless, this isn't a post about poor me and my infertility. It's about IVF and how it changed my life forever. 

Sometimes I wonder if we had of gotten pregnant easier; if we had one of those "let's start trying tomorrow And then two weeks later volia...I was pregnant" moments, maybe I would take all those things in the beginning for granted.  But we didn't and I didn't. Even when I had my face in my hands, crying for the zillionth time because it still wasn't my turn to be a mom, I knew one day I would get that chance.  

Every moment means a little more to me because there was always that chance that I would never get to experience it. Harlow has okay because I'm over the moon to give her gas drops and hold her.  Harlow is throwing a fit in's fine because at least I have a baby in my cart.  Sounds cliche and maybe a bit cheesy, but now that she is here, I am so thankful that we had to endure IVF to get our perfectly precious little girl. 

Don't get me wrong.  Sleep is amazing, but so is Harlow.  Now don't judge me if I look frazzled next time you see me 

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

25 Things You Should Know About Me

25. I always take my shopping cart back to the Shopping Cart Holder in the parking lot...even if it is raining.

24. If you want to see the look of disappointment on my face, be with me when I realize that the list of songs at a Karaoke bar DOES NOT include Sinead O'Connor's "Nothing Compares To You."

23. I USED to walk down to my local magazine stand every Thursday and buy ALL FIVE gossip magazines and read them in the same exact order EVERY week...US, OK, In Touch, Life & Style, and then People...then I married Blake and he "talked me into" only buying US...hmmm

22. Blake, FRANK, and I have all shared a McFlurry before...with the same spoon.  We are morbid, I know. (Oh and Blake and I shared one toothbrush up until about a month ago)

21. I live right off Greenville Avenue and have realized that drunk patrons like to pee in my yard...Blake is installing a motion light and I want to have my voice recorded saying something tough.

20. I love country music and have always found the sad, slow ones to be the best. When I am depressed, I can cry to them and when I am happy, I can be thankful that they don't make me cry.

19. My younger sister and I can do the ugliest face you have ever seen.

18. Evanescence's song "My Immortal" is still the most heartbreaking song I have ever heard.

17. I love giving cards to people, on holidays and for no reason at all....think it makes them feel special.

16. I had morning breath and the "I just woke up but I swear my hair looked great last night" coif when Blake propsed to me.

15. I am absolutely terrified of needles, yet I have had my lips injected and have had botox before.

14. I think there should be a section on a marriage license where both parties must vow to NOT let themselves' go. Why do people stay in such great shape while looking for a spouse, but as soon as they get married, they give up on that?!

13. I honestly enjoy playing the guessing game of how much my grocery bill will be....if Blake or a friend is not present, I encourage the checker to join in on the fun.

12. When I was like 15 years old, I used to wear thick eyeliner under my eyes and none on the top. One day my dad told me he thought I looked prettier with just eyeliner on the top of my eyes and not on the bottom...and I swear to this day...that is how I do my eye make-up.

11.  I don't think I'm a superstitous person, but I ALWAYS knock on wood after I say something that might jinx me.

10. I was deeply hurt that Rice Krispy discontinued the Rice Krispy Treat cereal and found it necessary to talk about it every time I was in the cereal isle; HOWEVER...Walmart still carries it and so I am content again.

9. I used to have a shopping problem but have reduced it to a browsing problem.

8. I always wear silly socks, as I think white ones are so boring.

7. I have only seen my mother cry once in my life and it was the worst thing to witness.

6. At my wedding, I danced with my dad to Dolly Parton's "I will always love you" and sang every word to him.

5. I have this weird weapon thing on my keychain that Blake gave me that is supposed to be used as a knife or something to stab someone with, need be, but I think it looks sexual and gross.

4. Every morning Blake wakes me up with coffee and sings, "The best part of waking up is Folgers in your cup."

3. I love babies and cannot wait to have my own, but desperately want that "Twilight Sleep" women used to get in the old days, where you are completely out when you have your baby....I am not a fan of 

2. I had to wear a head gear at night for a while, when I had braces....oh yeah, and my sisters and I find it hiliarious to hang it on our Christmas tree at my parents' house, as an ornament. Mom put the kabosh on that tradition a few years ago.

1. Trisha and I attended numerous N'SYNC and Backstreet Boys concerts.

Suck It June Cleaver

So today I failed as the perfect mom. I have had such a clean track record until now; changing diapers before her bottom actually got wet, giving her the exact amount of time to attempt to self soothe, dressing her in all the latest fashions and all the while trying to squeeze my newly widen hips into jeans that aren't a size that makes me want to die. But today I failed. Today my 7 month old baby fell off my quasi higher than normal bed. 

I know she cried way less than I did, as after I calmed her down...I needed to go in the corner and have a bottle of something. I should start by saying that my husband and I tried to get pregnant for about 3 years. After giving it the old college try for a year or so, we went to a fertility doctor and finally decided to do IVF. I had THREE years to perfect my mothering style and skills. I had pictured and planned my child's whole life and how amazing it would be...way before we actually conceived. I started a "hope chest" and purchased adorable miniature sized clothes and accessories. I imagined making my infant homemade baby food and having the appropriate amount of strictness and fun time. 

Who am I kidding?! My nanny makes My daughter homemade healthy food while I lower my hat so no one can see the woman who wanted a baby for years, buying pre packaged gerber food. In my defense, I buy the organic kind...most of the time. I breastfed for a shorter amount of time than I hoped. But hell, I did it and I am proud of that. And I quickly changed her formula from brand name to generic to save a few bucks ( after comparing them and realizing they both have the exact same ingredients). 

My daughter always looks like she could be on the cover of baby vogue and I take so much pride when people compliment me on Harlow. But today I left her in the center of my king size bed while I changed into my workout clothes (remember those newly equipped hips?) and heard her fall. I died inside as I thought of what I had done. She cried for about 3 minutes, which felt like an eternity and way after she had totally forgotten it happened, I still can't let myself off the hook. 

But you know what? I need to. I'm doing a damn good job and no amount of baby book reading can teach you how to be a perfect mom. She doesn't exist. I'm the perfect mom for my daughter and that's enough for us. So I don't make her food...she still gets a nutritious meal, three times a day. So I don't buy similac anymore, the Walmart brand is just as good. So she had a total meltdown at Central Market and people weren't complimenting me for two seconds. So I have unknowingly let her have an explosive diaper coming out her back for an entire tv time slot. Overall, I'm doing a good job and Harlow is healthy and happy. So today I will forgive myself for letting her fall off the bed and know that I can always start fresh tomorrow and take a stab at doing it all perfectly. Suck it June Cleaver