Wednesday, September 18, 2013

25 Things You Should Know About Me

25. I always take my shopping cart back to the Shopping Cart Holder in the parking lot...even if it is raining.

24. If you want to see the look of disappointment on my face, be with me when I realize that the list of songs at a Karaoke bar DOES NOT include Sinead O'Connor's "Nothing Compares To You."

23. I USED to walk down to my local magazine stand every Thursday and buy ALL FIVE gossip magazines and read them in the same exact order EVERY week...US, OK, In Touch, Life & Style, and then People...then I married Blake and he "talked me into" only buying US...hmmm

22. Blake, FRANK, and I have all shared a McFlurry before...with the same spoon.  We are morbid, I know. (Oh and Blake and I shared one toothbrush up until about a month ago)

21. I live right off Greenville Avenue and have realized that drunk patrons like to pee in my yard...Blake is installing a motion light and I want to have my voice recorded saying something tough.

20. I love country music and have always found the sad, slow ones to be the best. When I am depressed, I can cry to them and when I am happy, I can be thankful that they don't make me cry.

19. My younger sister and I can do the ugliest face you have ever seen.

18. Evanescence's song "My Immortal" is still the most heartbreaking song I have ever heard.

17. I love giving cards to people, on holidays and for no reason at all....think it makes them feel special.

16. I had morning breath and the "I just woke up but I swear my hair looked great last night" coif when Blake propsed to me.

15. I am absolutely terrified of needles, yet I have had my lips injected and have had botox before.

14. I think there should be a section on a marriage license where both parties must vow to NOT let themselves' go. Why do people stay in such great shape while looking for a spouse, but as soon as they get married, they give up on that?!

13. I honestly enjoy playing the guessing game of how much my grocery bill will be....if Blake or a friend is not present, I encourage the checker to join in on the fun.

12. When I was like 15 years old, I used to wear thick eyeliner under my eyes and none on the top. One day my dad told me he thought I looked prettier with just eyeliner on the top of my eyes and not on the bottom...and I swear to this day...that is how I do my eye make-up.

11.  I don't think I'm a superstitous person, but I ALWAYS knock on wood after I say something that might jinx me.

10. I was deeply hurt that Rice Krispy discontinued the Rice Krispy Treat cereal and found it necessary to talk about it every time I was in the cereal isle; HOWEVER...Walmart still carries it and so I am content again.

9. I used to have a shopping problem but have reduced it to a browsing problem.

8. I always wear silly socks, as I think white ones are so boring.

7. I have only seen my mother cry once in my life and it was the worst thing to witness.

6. At my wedding, I danced with my dad to Dolly Parton's "I will always love you" and sang every word to him.

5. I have this weird weapon thing on my keychain that Blake gave me that is supposed to be used as a knife or something to stab someone with, need be, but I think it looks sexual and gross.

4. Every morning Blake wakes me up with coffee and sings, "The best part of waking up is Folgers in your cup."

3. I love babies and cannot wait to have my own, but desperately want that "Twilight Sleep" women used to get in the old days, where you are completely out when you have your baby....I am not a fan of 

2. I had to wear a head gear at night for a while, when I had braces....oh yeah, and my sisters and I find it hiliarious to hang it on our Christmas tree at my parents' house, as an ornament. Mom put the kabosh on that tradition a few years ago.

1. Trisha and I attended numerous N'SYNC and Backstreet Boys concerts.

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